Tuesday, April 26, 2016


After my last post I knew that I wanted to go deeper into the treatment of the animals in captivity. I did some research and I found an article highlighting the torturous circumstances many animals in circuses go through. This includes instances of animal abuse and mistreatment.
Circus animals spend most of their lives in transportation cages. Animals are sometimes allowed to spend some time in an exercise cage. The only other times they get to be outside of their cages is to rehearse or perform. When elephants are outside they are chained by their front and hind leg. Many animals exhibit abnormal behavior such as socking and nodding.
Many circuses can not afford to give their animals good care. Many are under fed. They also do not receive proper medical care or frequently cleaned cages. Training includes the use of brutal training methods to establish a dominate trainer to make the animals perform their tricks. Training devices includes tools such as shock devices, sticks with concealed screws or spikes, and severe beatings.

Baby elephant being trained at Ringling  Bros Circus
Embar, Wanda. "Circuses." Animal Cruelty -. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.                         

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