Friday, April 22, 2016

Are You For or Against Animal Abuse?

Ever since my last blog post I kept wondering if captive animal locations actually benefit the animals. From my experience I know that animals are treated very poorly in places such as these, but I kept my mind open to why people think it is beneficial to keep animals in captivity. I searched up people's different views on this topic and found an article about the benefits and disadvantages of keeping animals in captivity. I looked into this article and found that it is very trustworthy. 
Advantages of Having Captivity:
Many zoos and aquariums claim that they bring people and animals together. They also say that they protect endangered species through breeding programs and safe environments. This gives the opportunity for educational programs for people of all ages. They also have enrichment programs, so the animals will never get board and can lead healthy and happy lives in the habitats.
Arguments Against Captivity:
Animal rights activists say that humans do not have the right to keep animals in captivity as well as breed them for our own personal benefit. Many of the animals bread in zoos over populate the capacity of the zoos and are separated from the animals that they have bonded with. This separation leaves them with mental issues and depression. Studies have shown that animals in captivity suffer from stress and boredom as well as live shorter lives. One of these studies includes that elephants kept in zoos do not live as long as animals in the wild. They are very social animals and need to be with other elephants to have a satisfying life, which the zoos do not provide.  If people want to see wild animals they can visit them in the wild or visit a sanctuary that gives the animals freedom compared to a small enclosure.
My Thoughts:

After hearing both sides of why we should or why we should not have animals in captivity I feel that the reasons against it ways out the reasons for it. Animals do not deserve to be in captivity and caged up in such a small area. They are treated badly and have shown serious mental issues. There are many alternatives than having animals in captivity such as sanctuaries or just leaving them in the wild where they belong.

Lin, Doris. "10 Arguments For and 13 Against Zoos." News &  Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2016 

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