Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How Society Percieves Animals in Captivity

Every article I came across so far has mentioned something about how society perceives animals. I decided to search up an article highlighting this top and I found one written by Andre Mader. The article is called "What Is the Point of Zoos?" Mader is a conservation biologist and is very well trusted.

Many families especially with children visit captive animals locations every year. This includes zoos, aquariums, Sea Worlds, and circuses. These people are captivated by the pure magnificence of these creatures, but fail to realize the torture these animals go through every day to please these types of customers. The animal parks' main goal is to make money even if that costs many animals their lives and well being.

Captive animals parks claim to provide a new found love of animals to all of their visitors. Many animal parks are purposely located in cities to draw in many customers to view the animals that they would not normally find there. This is accomplished by displaying the animals in such a way that they look happy in their "natural environment." These animals parks play the biggest role on children. Many studies say that if a person visited a zoo at a young age they will have a stronger connection to the animals and would want to make more ecofriendly decisions.

Due to how society perceives animals through the internet and social media many people view wild animals as helpless. They believe that wild animals need humans' help in order to survive. This is not true in almost every case. In the cases in which animals need humans' help is when they are injured or their habitat got destroyed by humans. Captive animal locations take advantage of these cases. They claim to only keep animals in captivity that are unable to fend for themselves in the wild. This is only true to an extent. The animals kept in these locations have been captured from the wild and are now unable to fend for themselves because they have remained in captivity for extended periods of time, thus breaking their natural instincts and their ability to hunt.

Mader, Andre. "What Is the Point of Zoos?" The Nature of Cities. N.p., 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 03 May 2016.

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